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This year HFS will be Giggin' for Gavin. 20% of our earnings will go to support Gavin's rehabilitation effort. Gavin suffered a spinal cord injury this winter in a tragic snowboarding accident. He does not have the use of his legs. Please support him by contributing to his recovery by donating funds to Community Bank in Lewes or Rehoboth. Gather & Give for Gavin at Hudson Fields was a tremendous success with 3500-4000 people in attendance raising over $100K. CLICK HERE to read the follow up article in the Cape Gazette. If you can help, please do!

HFS is doing their part to lift spirits in this difficult time. Click HERE to listen to the HFS cover of FIGHT SONG by Rachel Platten which is played when coronavirus patients are discharged from Beebe Healthcare
Hope For Success donates 20% of our earnings to a worthy community charity. Our community proudly supports us and now we have the opportunity to support community members who need it most.
4PAWS Got Your 6
Beebe Goes Purple
Beebe Healthcare
Bethel United Methodist Church
Camp Arrowhead
Cape Community Fund
Christine Havrilla Emergency Fund
Darin McMahon
Empty Bowls
Epworth United Methodist Church
First State Culinary School
Gather & Give for Gavin
Grass Roots Rescue
Habitat for Humanity of Sussex County
James J Kiernan Scholarship Fund
Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund
La Esperanza Community Center
Lewes Night Out
Lewes Public Library
Pathways to Success
Rotary Club of Lewes-Rehoboth Beach
Royal SPCA Australia
Shepherd's Office
Sussex Academy PTO
Toys for Tots
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